Further Document or Create Tutorial for SimpleMDM App Deployment
I've seen mentioned in Slack and seen in my own deployments that a fair amount of confusion comes from having SimpleMDM appear to be listed as an available app, even though a customer still needs to purchase it via VPP in order to deploy it. In my own first usage, I attempted to deploy with out purchasing, and when I figured out what was going on, I was able to correct the problem, but the installation took some time. I've seen at least one other user confused about this in the Mac Admins Slack, and I would expect that this would be confusing for new users who don't have much background in MDM.
My suggestion is twofold:
Creation of a guided tutorial for assigning SimpleMDM would fit with the simple guided tutorials associated with standing up a new SimpleMDM instance.
Failing for that, a simple warning of some kind when attempting to deploy SimpleMDM without having purchased a VPP license might be helpful.
Ideally, you might do something like both.