Schedule Regular Application Updates
Similar to scheduled iOS update policy, we would love to see clients check in for applications in our catalog and perform regular scheduled non-business hours updates. This would be for all Apps (VPP and Enterprise).
When updating enterprise app binaries, users sometimes reject the "Smart Update" if they feel it interrupts their workday, so a regular daily or weekly check in to our catalog by the devices to find the most recent app version available would keep all devices current across both VPP and enterprise apps.

Richard commented
We'd like to ideally set a specific time (day of week and time) to send updates for certain apps for certain groups.
In the meantime, is it possible to send update request to specific device/group to a a specific app with the API?
I see this as the closest, but how to set the device we want to update?
Richard commented
We'd like to ideally set a specific time (day of week and time) to send updates for certain apps for certain groups.
In the meantime, is it possible to send update request to specific device/group to a a specific app with the API?
I see this as the closest, but how to set the device we want to update?
Chad Hughes commented
Wanted to clarify - for Enterprise applications, the binary update would be the same process, just that the clients would check in for Enterprise apps update availability when they check in on VPP apps update availability.
Anonymous commented
It would be helpful to be able to pick a time of day that apps can auto deploy ideally late afternoon to early evening.