add ability to upload custom icons
When creating custom apps, it would be nice if we could upload a custom icon with it.

Custom icons can now be uploaded for custom apps & nopkgs that are deployed using SimpleMDM's hosted Munki integration. When enabled, the Managed Software Center will display the provided custom icon.
Please note: Once the app is installed, the application will still use whichever icon was specified in the pkg/dmg. Additionally, custom pkgs that are only eligible for deployment via the MDM protocol do not currently support custom icons. This would require the pkg itself to be modified.
Lacie Lassiter commented
This feature is still not available if you add a custom app in the catalog tab.
Lacie Lassiter commented
There is no ability to upload a custom icon when creating custom apps in my smdm console.
Mikhael Jabroux commented
Looks like this was added recently? :-)
Mac Justice commented
Custom icons would also be useful in the case that SimpleMDM's importer chooses the incorrect icon, or if there are other reasons to use an icon not found in the .pkg
Chris Dawe commented
So if an application bundle doesn't have a custom icon, a Munki administrator can add one to the Munki repository and assign it themselves so that the item in question does not appear to the end user as a generic package. However, SimpleMDM's Munki implementation does not offer a path to manually upgrade an icon if an installer imported into Munki does not include a useable one.