Assignment of apps with filter based on tags and/or model
We have different sets of apps for iPhone and iPads. Right now I need to duplicate the device groups manually to be able to define which apps are supposed to be installed on iPhones and which on iPads.
Having tags at the apps or being able to restrict apps to certain types of models would be supercool. I used this a lot when using Jamf.

Carl commented
I have a few scenarios where I want to create an assignment group that only contains devices of a specific type, for example, desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, TV, etc (primarily I care about desktops and laptops, but this would also be useful for other device types).
The issue I have is there are devices in our fleet that need to get certain configurations that share the same preference keys/payloads, but only apply to them if it's a laptop or a desktop.
Currently I'm manually managing what I can through either direct profile assignment, or through our local munki, but I would very much like to avoid direct profile assignment where possible.