Managed Application Installation Status
There should be some way in the console (and API) to see the installation status of apps deployed through SimpleMDM, using statuses like "Installed", "Pending", "Error", etc.
Currently, you can see which apps are installed on a device, but there's no way to identify applications that should or will be installed, whether we're waiting for the device to come online, or if there's been an error in the installation process.
In a standalone Munki environment I would could use Sal/MunkiReport as requested in
Alternately, I can also forward the Munki logs in /Library/Managed Installs/Logs to a SEIM like Splunk and use that to monitor application install status and errors.
Access to the installation status would be great, figuring out some way to give a SimpleMDM administrator visibility into relevant munki logs from a device would be even better.