Scope profiles to build version
With the advent of RSRs, the OS version is no longer a definitive identifier of what OS rev a system is on. The OS build numbers would be a more consistent way to identify target OSes.
Historically, macOS minor builds have followed an pattern of
[Major OS number][A...Z minor build][Patch Number] moniker.
Now with RSRs, the build numbers are a bit more complicated but the values still go up and each build number is larger than the last based on the pattern above.
13.3.1 22E261
13.3.1 RSR 22E772610a
13.4.0 22F66
13.4.1 22F82
13.4.1 RSR 22F770820b
I propose that Build numbers be made an option for profile scoping to allow specific versions to be targeted.
Note, there could be issues when new hardware is introduced and the build numbers are forked where the new hardware build number has a bigger patch number than the official public release. Hence having build numbers be an option, not the only way to supply a scope.