Make logging more detailed for MDM commands
While I appreciate how detailed SimpleMDM logs can be, especially with raw responses from MDM, sometimes they need to provide more detail. For example, when sending an OS update command the log only contains...
"Log Details
Full ID E7B0DBE9-A7C1-4EC8-8CB8-BFA4AB990C59
Created At 2023-08-17 3:34 PM
Namespace device
Type os.update.idle
Level info
Device redacted
UDID F405AA51-FF04-4B71-900F-9C09F0515398
Serial Number redacted
"update_version": "13.5.1"
With OS updates in particular, it's useful to know what mode was used as well. 'downloadonly', 'notifyonly', 'installasap', or 'forceupdate' are all options, but there's no associated data. For some basic commands like Bluetooth enable/disable there's not as much need, but for more complex commands with many possible settings, having that detail is useful. Even more so when a command is queue via API, with no confirmation the passed arguments worked.
Please consider adding more data to logs.