Device Groups API - add methods
The Device Groups API does not have the following methods:
create, update, remove/delete, it would be very helpful if this endpoint could have those methods added, along with various options such as:
create: parameters "name" (required), "lock_screen_message" (optional), and "track_device_location" (optional, default False)
update: parameters "name" (optional), "lock_screen_message" (optional), and "track_device_location" (optional)
delete: parameters: "device_group_id"
Also, the clone method does not currently take any parameters that would allow device group settings to be configured, it would be helpful if the clone method was updated to allow the use of these parameters:
"name" (required), "lock_screen_message" (optional), and "track_device_location" (optional, default False)
loceee commented
Hi, the /devices endpoint currently supports create/update/delete -
Could we get support for create/update/delete on the /device_groups endpoint as well?
We have a use case where we would like to clone an existing (template) group and name it. This is not currently possible via the API.