Dynamic Attribute Groups
Create dynamic group (Application and/or Device groups) scheme based on device attribute (model, apps installed, OS version, Public IP, last reboot or custom script result) See screenshot for attributes examples.

Brian commented
Ability to set certain custom attributes for specific device groups and specific enrollment groups.
This would enable us to build attribute collections that may be used for different things depending on the enrollment type, or the device group.
Brian commented
Ability to assign devices to a group based on a custom attribute during enrollment.
We would love to be able to use a department attribute from our idp to be able to map devices to a group during enrollment, to help automate the process and keep it almost a 0 touch deployment for new devices.
Ryan Curran commented
Something akin to "Smart Groups" in JamfPro. AKA a method to scope scripting/app deployments to only nodes that, by definition, need it.
Puppet calls this Idempotency
Ideally we'd be able to create a "Smart Group" in SimpleMDM to show us all machines running lower than a currently desired version of application X. We could then target our deployment to said group. As the deployment delivers, nodes drop dynamically out of the "Smart Group", as the deployment has satisfied the requirements we have defined.
Joan commented
create automatic lists devices.
Devices are automatic assigned depending of some features like memory,, IOS version or specific version of an App installed.