Timed App Access
It would be good not only to block certain apps but have the ability to block others a certain times of the day/week eg. school hours, nights etc.

iOS does not allow for the ability to outright block apps.
Anonymous commented
What about disabling all app store apps after a certain time? I believe this is currently possible by setting Allowed App Rating to Don't Allow Apps.
Mike Allen commented
Now that ios 10 has the ability to block app access, can we add a scheduling feature to this already awesome tool?
AdminSimpleMDM (Admin, SimpleMDM) commented
My understanding is that you'd like to disable certain apps during certain times so that they cannot be run. There unfortunately isn't a way to do this with iOS, as iOS doesn't allow us to disable specific apps.
It is possible to disable the app store, and it is possible to take away privileges if a particular app is installed (via the quarantine feature) but I don't believe that these address your use case.