Protect DeviceLink profiles with a passcode to prevent manual removal

As explained by Matt Vlasach, this feature is currently technically not possible with Apple iOS.
Anonymous commented
Isn't this possible now in iOS 7.1.2 ? In the Apple Configurator there are allow/deny options with passwords for profiles.
Mark commented
Hi Matt,
I think you'll find your response is incorrect. When trying to deploy the profile via Apple Configurator with the specification that the profile can only be removed with a password, you will receive and error indicating that profiles containing a MDM payload must be removable and the profile will fail to install.
Matt Vlasach commented
This is actually not possible, by Apple's design. See
In-order to prevent MDM profile removal, the device must be in supervised mode and MDM deployed through Configurator. Otherwise, typical web, email, or SMS-based enrollments cannot be protected from removal.
David Oldroyd commented
This is an important feature that will help prevent users from disabling the controls that we require. i.e. a sales rep quitting and taking the corporate-owned iPad with him.
Sohail Shaikh commented
Very IMP .. please add this.