Specify the DNS servers - nameservers in the Wifi setup
We are helping customers to set up their Iphone and Ipad so they can watch Norwegain TV while abroad.
We are using the service from http://OverPlay.net to do this.
To enable the service from OverPlay we need to change the nameservers in the WiFi settings.
I suggest that this features is implemented i future versions.

Hi Ulrich- Great request. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t allow us to specify name servers. A possible workaround would be to either configure your customer’s DHCP servers to issue the desired name servers, or, to use the global proxy feature and configure the proxy to use the desired name servers. The latter will only work if the devices are in Apple supervised mode.
If neither of these solutions are acceptable, your best bet is to work with OverPlay.net and suggest that they build their service so that custom name servers are not required.
Sorry we can’t be of further help!