Ability to bulk delete a specific app from all devices in a group
When removing an app from an app distribution group, also have it actually remove the app from all of the devices in that group.
Or maybe if it's better to separate, have some other way to remove an app from a set of devices, maybe select from the list of devices or something along those lines.

Visit the “Installs” tab on the App details screen.
Chad Hughes commented
There are times when applications are no longer licensed or are replaced by new/different applications within the organization. When this happens, we have to go into each device and remove the application. This would be easier to manage if we could just remove the application from the application assignment to trigger the removal of the application from all devices that are assigned the application, either directly or through group membership to this application group.
For example, we recently replaced "MS Excel" and "iOS Numbers" institutionally with Google Sheets. We needed to remove Excel and Numbers to prevent users from creating new content in these applications. Installing sheets was no problem (deployed via application deployment & group assignment) but the removal of the Excel and Numbers applications is a very time consuming process of opening each device, going to the installed application detail, then removing both apps.
This same scenario has happened a few times, where an existing application gets replaced by a new application altogether.
Samuel Stoltzfus commented
We don't want users from one device group using apps that are assigned to another device group. When we assign a device to a different group, we would like all new apps installed and apps from the old group deleted.
AdminSimpleMDM (Admin, SimpleMDM) commented
Why are you wanting to remove the app from the devices? Is it a matter of freeing up a VPP license, or for some other reason?