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424 results found

  1. Custom Configuration Profiles API - Download the profile as a JSON object, not a text object

    Currently it looks like the download method for the custom configuration profiles API returns the profile being downloaded as a text object not a JSON object.

    The preferred (at least for me) response object that should be returned is a JSON object in keeping with all other responses.

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  2. Apps & Media > Assignment UI redesign

    The user interface for the Apps & Media > Assignment area of SimpleMDM is rather clunky for viewing and adding assignment groups, etc.

    For example, after creating an assignment group to allocate profiles to, picking/selecting a profile is a pain as you have to know the name of a profile in order for it to appear in the list of app/media/profiles that can be added to the group. This is most painful when there are more than three profiles that can be selected (in my particular case there are over twenty profiles that can possibly be selected).

    This part of…

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  3. Introduce source IP based allow listing

    While complex username/password + TOTP requirement is a standard and solid security requirement for administrative access to the SimpleMDM controls, it could be made even stronger with the addition of IP allow listing. I would love to have +1 layer of opt-in friction between the internet at large and a tool has the ability to brick all of my organization's laptops simultaneously.
    If implemented, I'd request that a minimum of 2, preferably 3 remote sources be required before the service could be enabled: this will provide small businesses with redundancy for the event that they change ISPs and cannot bring…

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  4. Support for defined build numbers in DDM software update

    It's fantastic that we can get started with DDM software updates... however, I think the protocol does allow for us to push a specific build number.

    This is handy for testing - as I've got a device enrolled in the beta that I'd love to push specific build numbers too, to try out the functionality - without having to reach for DFU mode on a long suffering test system.

    Going forward, it would be fantastic to nudge/enforce specific build numbers for beta testers, so we can ensure testers are all on latest betas where appropriate.

    Thanks :)

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  5. Use a SAN instead of CN when managing certificate renewal

    Currently if an admin wants SimpleMDM to manage the renewal of their SCEP certificates, SimpleMDM bulldozes the CN and replaces it entirely. This is problematic for workflows that require specific values to be in a CN and not a SAN. If possible, please use a SAN to insert any necessary tracking values. Intune is doing this with success (see the blue box at the top of

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  6. Enrollment Setting - Unassign Profiles at Re-Enrollment

    We heavily utilize individually assigned profiles for Macs. There are also a few default profiles assigned via group. When a new out-of-box Mac is being enrolled for the first time only those default profiles are installed (around 5). Profiles are installed quickly and reliably. Later on during provisioning our configuration management tool handles installing other required per device profiles.

    However, when a Mac from stock is being re-enrolled to be used by another person, every previously assigned profile is installed at setup assistant. Since in my case those individually assigned profiles are usually per user, team, department, etc. and no…

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  7. Make logging more detailed for MDM commands

    While I appreciate how detailed SimpleMDM logs can be, especially with raw responses from MDM, sometimes they need to provide more detail. For example, when sending an OS update command the log only contains...

    "Log Details
    Full ID E7B0DBE9-A7C1-4EC8-8CB8-BFA4AB990C59
    Created At 2023-08-17 3:34 PM
    Namespace device
    Type os.update.idle
    Level info
    Device redacted
    UDID F405AA51-FF04-4B71-900F-9C09F0515398
    Serial Number redacted

    "update_version": "13.5.1"

    With OS updates in particular, it's useful to know what mode was used as well. 'downloadonly', 'notifyonly', 'installasap', or 'forceupdate' are all options, but there's no associated data. For some basic commands like…

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  8. WatchOS management support

    We would like to deploy a fleet of Apple watches and would like to get support to manage these via DDM

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  9. Auto-admin password complexity settings

    For the auto-admin password generation done by SimpleMDM, it'd be preferable to be able to manage the level of password complexity when the password is generated. Environments can have different password policy rules that all accounts, including MDM generated, need to abide by. The Dude abides.

    Password storage apps like 1Password and Keeper offer, at minimum, password length, use of numbers, and use of special characters. See attached.

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  10. Support SCIM provisioning and de-provisioning for admin accounts

    SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) is a REST/JSON protocol defined in RFC 7644 that allows identity providers to direct service providers to make account create, update, and delete actions. It is generally used to pre-provision access for new accounts and de-provision access for accounts that no longer require it.

    Please add support for SimpleMDM to work with the SCIM protocol for administrator accounts. A minimum implementation for our purposes would be to create administrator accounts using SCIM at the default permission level, and have the delete function revoke access on the given account. In a perfect world, the SCIM…

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  11. Allow users to see the ipad locations on a map but nothing else

    Allow users to see the ipad locations on a map but nothing else. Just users who want to see real-time location of all the ipads. But don't let them manage the ipads, change settings, etc.

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  12. Allow before/after (un)installation script overrides for shared apps

    This would enable one to benefit from shared auto-updating apps while applying useful improvements such as /Applications/ --unattended --install-privileged-components.

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  13. Allow for export of all config profiles

    Currently you can only export the XML for custom config profiles. I am requesting that we are able to export the XML for all configuration profiles.

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  14. Upload more than 2 media files at once

    Increase the upload limit, allowing more than 2 files at a time.

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  15. Make the `app_usage_data` portion of Munki optional

    Having just confirmed with Eric and others in the Slack channel that SimpleMDM's Munki instance doesn't make use of the app_usage_data feature in Munki - would it be possible to create a toggle to turn it off?

    Additionally there are some global regions where tracking this kind of stuff falls foul of local privacy laws...

    ...and it's upset my privacy focused end users.

    Thanks in advance

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  16. Filtering out data during Device Export

    Have the ability to filter out certain data points when doing a Device Export

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  17. Notifications for nodes running low on disk space

    Notifications for nodes running low on disk space

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  18. Implement "force password change when the user authenticates"

    As per, Apple has an API for forcing a user password change. This is useful when updating password policy - passwords that met the old policy but no longer meet the new policy are not evaluated and forced to change. This setting, however, would make it so.

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  19. Allow devices to be marked as unmanaged

    Another idea to borrow from Jamf Pro. Please consider allowing SimpleMDM customers to mark devices as unmanaged in order to keep them for historical or data purposes without them actively being under management and NOT taking up a license. An unmanaged device would keep the same config, but not have the ability to interact with MDM moving forward. No profile installs, polling for device info, etc. It is a record stuck in time. Devices should be able to move freely between managed/unmanaged through the GUI and API.

    As it today, every device which exists in a SimpleMDM tenant takes up…

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  20. Add Support for Munki Conditionals to SimpleMDM's Munki Implementation

    Munki includes the ability to set "conditionals" for items in specific manifests to provide granular controls over the installation or appearance of items.

    For example, if I have a multi-site organization, I can set a conditional on a NOPKG item that installs a printer so that the printer install NOPKG only shows up if the device user is connecting to Munki from a specific subnet. This allows me to refine the view of available self-service printers so that, for example, the printers available at Site A only show up if the user's local IP address matches the subnet at Site…

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