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467 results found

  1. Add the possibility to mark a custom attribute as secret with the API

    In the SimpleMDM UI is it possible to mark a custom attribute as secret. When using this API it is not possible to whether the attribute is secret. It is also not possible to change this and mark secret an attribute that already exist.

    I would like to be able to mark a custom attribute as secret using the API and to get its status back.

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  2. add a way to export device location data

    Have the ability to export device location data

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  3. Return to service via an API call

    Hi. As SimpleMDM is interested in implementing Return to service, it would be interesting to make it available via an API call, as an extension of the wipe endpoint. Franck

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  4. Improve ICCID/IMEI Searching

    Currently the IMEI and ICCID values are "padded" with spaces.
    IMEI: 12<space>345678<space>901234<space>5

    Searching for 123456789012345 returns no results.
    To get a match, the search must include the the spaces exactly as shown in SimpleMDM.

    This is a problem when copying over values from a carrier or system that does not include the spaces.

    Can the search be fixed to return a result with or without spaces?

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  5. Add option to delete after wipe

    (Or a similar control to ensure devices are never unenrolled before the wipe command is received.)

    If you send a wipe command to a device that is currently offline, and then remove that device from SimpleMDM before it comes back online, the device will only be unenrolled from SimpleMDM and not wiped.

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  6. Add to the "Enable Remote Desktop" some actual setting of privs

    After banging my head for a year or two on new machines being completely unreachable or at best screen-sharing-only, I think it's because while you can turn ARD ON via MDM, all users by default have no privileges.

    So I now have a kickstart script to do this.

    It seems to me this should be a fundamental part of the "enable" action. For the device action, it could maybe look like the attached. For an enrollment .. I'm not sure, can you execute scripts at enrol time? If not maybe automatically afterwards?

    Some of the necessary kickstart commands are here…

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  7. Notification for annual renewal

    Email notication a few weeks prior to renewal, stating how devices we have, the cost of the renewal, what credit last 4 it will charge and when the charge will happen...this would allow us to audit the device list, update an old credit card and know that the renewal is happening.

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  8. DDM custom activations, assets, configurations(declarations)


    DDM predefined configurations are available in the SimpleMDM web UI already, please add options to create custom activations, assets, configurations(declarations).

    Please support Creating, Reading, Editing and Deleting all above via API calls.

    Allow assignment of activations/assets/configuration(declarations) to Device, Device Group and Assignment Group.
    Allow (un)assignment via API from all above.
    Add assigned activations/assets/configuration(declarations) to the "retrieve one" answers for Device, Device Group and Assignment Group to the "relationships" array in the json answer.

    Thank you David.

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  9. Add Android Studio to shared apps

    Kindly consider adding Android Studio to shared apps

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  10. Show assignment groups a profile is added to in Profiles page

    The Profiles UI page currently has a column for Groups Assigned (this means device groups) and Devices Assigned. There is no column for Assignment Groups Assigned, meaning it can look like they're not assigned to anything from this page but of course they are in the Assignment Groups page. There needs to be another column here allowing us to click through to show the Assignment Groups that the profile is added to.

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  11. filter by model and other attributes

    Ability to filter devices by model and other attributes

    ie we want to see all of our currently enrolled iPad 6th gens so we can see who they are all assigned to and begin replacing them with new devices for IOS 18 Support

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  12. An option to automatically whitelist any apps assigned to a device group.

    By default, we restrict what apps can be installed on iOS devices. Right now, if I want to deploy a VPP app to an iOS device, I have to add it to the device assignment AND remember to go to my restrictions profile and whitelist it.

    I suggest that all assigned apps be automatically whitelisted, or at least have a setting that can turn on this automatic whitelisting if the SimpleMDM admin selects it.


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  13. Need Ability to Disable Managed Software Center Notifications on MacOS

    MSC notifications are interrupting Teradici sessions for users, which makes one monitor go grey/black. The have to disconnect/reconnect to fix.

    I cannot disable notifications via System Preferences-> Notifications for MSC. Is there a way to do this either via GUI or command line?

    Also, MSC is listed twice in the Notifications list.

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  14. Return the effective value of custom attributes in the API and exports

    Currently, exports and the API will only return a custom attribute's value if the value is overridden at the device level - otherwise, it returns an empty string. Please modify the API and exports endpoint to return the effective value of the field. It would also be helpful if there was a taxonomy that outlined where that value came from (e.g. is it the default, group level, or device level override).

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  15. ability to set device name at time of enrollment

    Allow setting device name similarly to how the SimpleMDM Name is set during enrollment for iPads and Macs

    And allow different naming schemes depending on the enrollment group

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  16. more granular webhooks

    Would be amazing if we could configure webhooks more granularly:

    Ie be able to configure the data that gets sent out

    Currently a webhook will send

    Would be nice if we could set it up so a web hook only fires on selected events

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  17. Assign custom attributes to groups or enrollments

    Ability to set certain custom attributes for specific device groups and specific enrollment groups.

    This would enable us to build attribute collections that may be used for different things depending on the enrollment type, or the device group.

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  18. Include Rancher in Munki managed apps

    This request is to include Rancher in the munki shared apps

    Rancher is an open-source application that provides all the essentials to work with containers and Kubernetes on the desktop

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  19. Include Notion Calendar in munki shared apps

    "Notion" is currently included in the munki shared apps. This request is to also include the Calendar App -

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  20. Ability to have scripts run at device enrollment

    Ability to run scripts at the device enrollment stag.

    Example Use Case:
    Set Computer hostname to company standards, and any other personalization scripts we run on the system itself.

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