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Have a great idea that you’d like to see added to our service? Perhaps there’s an existing feature that you’d like to have extended or modified? Share it here!

461 results found

  1. Support custom attributes in Munki scripts

    Now that custom attributes are supported in scripts, it would be great to see them supported in pre- and post-install scripts in Munki. Thanks!

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  2. Please support Munki `requires` and `update_for` values

    Please support the configuration of the requires and update_for values in the package interface. It would be lovely to be able to configure these in either the catalog or assignments section. Thank you!

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  3. Allow managment of System app on multiple devices

    Currently we can delete a managed app from multiple devices, but if the app isnt managed (such as pre0install Apple apps) you have to drill down to each device individually and choose to manage the app before it can be deleted.

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  4. Increase munkiimport maximum package size from 5GB to 20GB

    We attempted to upload a .dmg for Xcode 12.5.1 (approx 14GB) and hit an error:


    The .xip file was downloaded from the Developer portal and unpacked in terminal using xip --expand.

    Could the upload size be increased to 20GB to allow larger .dmgs to be delivered by SimpleMDM using Munki ?

    Performance delivering Xcode from Apps & Books is patchy, and does not allow the running of a post install script to accept the licence and install the embedded packages.

    This could be for a test instance initially to check performance.

    Non-integrated munki and local mirrors…

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  5. Research Sensor & Usage Data

    Block or hide to prevent users from turning this on.

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  6. The email sent to users added to the mdm portal should indicate the name of the role they have been granted

    Currently when a user is added to any role, custom or predefined, they are sent an email saying they have been added as an administrator:

    "A SimpleMDM user at [email protected] has granted you administrative permissions to their "XYZ" account."

    Ideally the message should indicate the role in particular rather than a blanked "admin", for example if a role named Support is assigned to the user:

    "A SimpleMDM user at [email protected] has granted you Support permissions to their "XYZ" account."

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  7. search by name on deleted devices list.

    Please add ability to search for deleted devices by name, not just serial #

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  8. FDE recovery key escrow status as a filter

    it would be helpful to include the FDE recovery key escrow status (rather than the key itself) as well as the firmware password status.
    As a company policy, we'd like to enforce these and check who forgot to turn it on or off. Going through devices one by one is quite hard.

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  9. Compare Profiles

    It would be helpful to have a tool that would allow comparing profiles. In particular custom profiles, but I could see this being helpful with the others as well.

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  10. notification when a duplicate serial number enrolls

    So - I appreciate this is kind covered here:

    But... we're drowning in duplicate entries. Basically they're almost all devices that have gone for repair, resulting in a new UUID (with the occasional virtual machine)

    a webhook or other notification when a device with a pre-existing serial number enrols would really help us with our housekeeping.

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  11. Compare groups

    Would love the ability to compare the applied profiles etc. between two groups, highlighting the differences in simple language. This would be so useful in those cases when you've made clones over time, and it's not exactly clear how things have changed from one to the other.

    For instance Group B differs from Group A...

    Has different password profiles...30 day expiry vs 90 day.
    Has one extra profile that adds WiFi credentails.
    Has different restrictions... Allowed Airdrop.


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  12. Add Configuration Backup Feature

    There should be an option to download a file containing the current configuration and settings. The resulting file should be in a readable format such as XML.

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  13. 11 votes

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  14. Block/prevent local logins when SAML is enabled

    I appreciate that you need to login with a local account to setup the SAML settings initially... but we have a requirement that all access to applications is managed through an IdP and that there's not a "back door" that can bypass the IdP.

    We could live with working with support to enable/disable local login if there was an issue with SAML.

    Access to MDM grants a lot of power to a fleet of devices - we'd like more central control over who has access...

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  15. Ability to Apply a Single Profile to Multiple Groups

    It would be nice to be able to Apply a Single Profile to a Large Number of groups all at once since currently it can only be done on a one-by-one basis.

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  16. Add Dock Customization Profiles

    The Apple MDM Spec includes huge amounts of dock configuration options for MacOS, but I can only use those with custom configuration profiles at the moment. I would love to be able to choose what items are in the docks for specific profiles, maybe even a UI that would allow us to add Shared and VPP apps to the dock.

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  17. macOS Packages in App & Media > Catalog - macOS Version & Architecture Scoping

    For various reasons we don't use the Munki integration included with SimpleMDM (we deploy a version through Automated Device Deployment ), so we upload a package into the App & Media > Catalog and configure that version to be automatically installed at a device level.

    There are circumstances where we'd like to be able to apply macOS version scopes and architecture scopes to this package (and potentially others).
    For example, maintaining an older version of a package that is known to only work for a specific range of macOS versions, or where you don't want newer versions of packages deployed…

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  18. IOS App Catalog

    I think that an ios app catalog/in-house app store would be a great feature.

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  19. Add more endpoints to SAML enrolments for full functionality

    We are trying to implement our Azure B2C login for authentication into enrolments to help speed up onboarding new customers - we are an MSP.

    When we set up SAML for access to the console, we can get it working fine; we can see and access the 'callback' and 'metadata' URL's ie. - Azure B2C needs these address to function.

    But when we try to set this up for SAML enrolments, both the 'callback' and 'metadata' URL's aren't accessible for the new SAML Audience ie.

    Can this be enabled?

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  20. Allow Web Clips to Open Link in Chrome

    Add the TargetApplicationBundleIdentifier property to allow web clips to open in Chrome, rather than Safari.

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